Web Design Frankston

Web Design Frankston

Web Design Frankston

Frankston City is fast becoming a business destination hub. Whether you are a B2B or B2C the opportunities are immense. 

Ensure your business is presented professionally with  a website that is more than a nice brochure. I design websites that are incredibly functional lead generation machines that engage your visitors and makes them want to dive in and explore.

A beautiful website that helps you stand out is the key to your marketing’s success.


It’s not enough to just look good. It has to be good, too. I make sure that your website is super simple to navigate and intuitive to use.


Do you like wading through boring, information-heavy websites? No, right? Well neither do your visitors. And that’s why I go to great lengths to ensure that your website is both visually-appealing and “sticky.”

Mobile Friendly

No point in a website that only looks good on your desktop. I ensure that it looks just as good (and functions just as well,) on your mobile and tablet.

You Own It

You don’t rent it or pay monthly subscriptions. Your affordable website is  100% yours, including all images & content.  Enjoy.

The Most Important Asset For Your Business

A great website pays for itself. Yet, affordable web design can mean different things to different people.

Think about it for a moment. All the other elements such as social strategies, EDM campaigns, SEO, AdWords etc are all designed to get people to your site. But if your website is a webshite (‘scuse our French) then people aren’t going to stay. It’s as simple as that. And that’s where we come in.

We build you an affordable website that lives up to the hype. One that invites visitors in, and keeps them in, with useful engaging content, smart navigation and visual appeal.

There Is No Place Like Homepage

As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz

OK, it’s not exactly what she said, but it’s close enough.

The point is, you cannot underestimate the importance of a great homepage. Think of it as the cover of a book, or the front page of a brochure. It catches the eye, and entices you to dive in and find out more.

Studies have found that users generally give 7 seconds of attention to a homepage. That’s not a heck of a lot time now is it? And in that very small window, (more of a porthole really) you’ve got to sufficiently intrigue them that they want to spend more time with you.


And that is where your design plays a vital role. The stats support this fact time and again. Users will spend more time on a site that is visually appealing. Not only that, but they are far more likely to return, as well. But there’s much more to design that merely being pretty to the eye. It’s a symbol of effort. It shows your consumers that you take this whole business thing seriously. An ugly or unappealing website puts you on the backfoot right from the off. Consumers have to endure it rather than enjoy it. And often, they will simply give up and go to a more appealing site. But a website that is aesthetically pleasing, friendly and approachable is that vital “first date” that will hopefully lead to a long and fruitful relationship.


While you spend your time making your product or service something every user should find, we’ll spend ours making sure they do.


While you spend your time making your product or service something every user should find, we’ll spend ours making sure they do.

Call To Actions

You’ve got their attention. They’ve got past that initial tricky 7 seconds and they are in your site, ready and eager to find out more. Now your goal is a simple one. Enquiry, or better yet, conversion. In layman’s terms you want them to buy something. So you have to make the whole “buying” process an easy one. No navigating to the end of the site or having to open a separate page on the drop-down menu. The opportunity to convert needs to be RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. Whether it’s a “contact now” or a “buy now” button, make sure it stands out and is never too far away. Consumers are fickle beasts and they can easily give up if something is too hard. So don’t give them any excuse.


Everything has to be able to be reached in three clicks. That’s the no.1 rule of functionality. Think about it. The consumer has come to your website in search of answers. Well, to be more accurate, in search of quick answers. They don’t want to waste time trawling through digital backwaters. Your job is to prove that you are the best answer to their question. As well as the quickest and easiest. This is best achieved through a simple, intelligent layout. Think of your website as a sales funnel, that skilfully guides the consumer through a series of logical steps to their ultimate destination. The sale. But to get them there, the UX experience has to be smooth, simple and enjoyable. Anything less, and they will slip through the holes in your net and be lost forever. We won’t let that happen.

Responsive Mobile

Fun (or not so fun) fact. Did you know when it comes to SEO, google now bases sites’ ranking off their mobile score? Today, over 85% of those using the internet are on mobile (an increase of nearly 30% since 2016).

So if your site doesn’t convert well to the small screen format, then you are in a world of pain Interestingly, this move towards mobile has brought about higher online conversions, with mobile and tablet users purchasing more than those on desktop sites. And that’s why we build your site with responsive design.

This is a program that determines what type of device a user is viewing your site on, then serves the correct version. Meaning that whether your potential customers are at the desk or on the move, you’ll be providing exactly what they need.

CMS & Structure

Flexibility is everything when it comes to CMS. Unfortunately, we’ve worked with way too many clients who are being held hostage by their previously built CMS. As a business, you’ll be well aware that innovation must be at the core of everything you do. And as your market changes, so must your offering. It’s Darwinism people. Survival of the fittest and all that. And that’s why we provide you with a customised CMS platform. One that can alter your visual and content structure wherever and whenever it’s needed. This helps you not just to get to the top, but to stay there.

are you a Frankston business owner? it makes sense to work with a local: 

  • Web Designer
  • Web Developer
  • Website Hoster
  • Website Manager
  • Content Writer
  • Search Engine Marketer (SEO)
  • Local SEO – Google Business Profile
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

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